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Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Go Kart Derby Reflection
Room 4 recently had the task of creating a go kart for our go kart derby against Gisborne Intermediate. Everyone worked hard to complete their finished products, although some unfortunately didn't quite get there. Some people used different materials e.g wood, metal,plastic e.t.c. It was quite hard to not spend anything on a go kart although it was easy enough to get by. I really did enjoy the challenge and was loads of fun going down the hill but also the preparation for the event was great fun. I am happy with how Polly turned out even though she didn't make it very far and got a very sore but from going down on her despite the cushion after going down…
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Camp Reflection
On Sunday 4/11/18, everyone from Room 4 departed from Matawai School at 7:45 am, brimming with excitement, and ready for the journey that lay ahead. We chatted and chatted until our mouths almost fell off. We played card games and other forms of entertainment on the way to Gisborne. I was feeling alright until Gisborne when the car sickness hit me as we started over the treacherous Wharerata mountain ranges. Before long we turned on the movies to pass the time. We stopped a couple of times along the way in Wairoa, Napier and Dannevirke. I drifted in and out of sleep but after about eight and a half torturous hours we arrived at Silverstream Retreat. Everyone was absolutely exhausted but we had made it.
On Monday we woke up at 6:00am, had a small run to shake out all the sleepiness, freshened up then left for our busy day. Firstly we stopped at Parliament looking around the interesting exterior of the Beehive, debating chamber, and the parliamentary library. After going through rigorous security we stepped inside the Beehive, ready to learn about every possible thing we could. I learnt a load of new interesting facts about inside Parliament, like for example… did you know that the high rank people in Parliament used to wear wigs and the longer the wig the more important they were, although they haven't worn any since 1999! For lunch we travelled by Cable Car up to the Botanical Gardens where we soaked up the amazing view. We then headed straight to Te Papa. We searched the six floors, but the Gallipoli exhibition was my favourite. The statues were so lifelike and had so much time put into it that it took 6 hours to put 1 eyebrow in place. All the 6 floors had art all the way from Toi art to a to scale whale's heart. We walked around taking in every possible bit of information that we could. I also loved the room that changed colours and cast amazing multi coloured shadows. Afterwards we headed to Silverstream to freshen up for a well deserved rest. That afternoon we had a quiz and my team the Windy Welly’s just scraped a win.
On Tuesday we woke up to a run and some breakfast before piling on the bus to Weta Workshop. We were all full of life and chatter as we drove to Weta Workshop for a load of fun. We stepped through a door and into the life of movie making. I loved learning about the steps to producing a movie and the stress the employees have to go through! But I really loved the miniature scenes, and learnt that buildings or objects that are closer are actually bigger than the buildings behind that appeared bigger. Weta’s motto is ‘be creative and make cool stuff.’ After saying thank you we walked back onto the bus, excited for Wellington Zoo.The soft buzz of happy chatter filled the air as I strode off the bus into the entrance and were given free rein to explore the zoo until our VIP tour of a couple of habitats. Me and my friends made our way around happily exploring all the interior space. My top 5 favourite animals where…
Red Panda
Blue Penguin
Then we had our VIP tour and my favourite fact was that the Capuchin Monkeys use onions as a form of bug repellent! Did you know that Gibbons change colours from when their born to when they turn into adults, both genders are golden for a start to blend into their mum and then change into a black colour, then the boys stay that colour and the girls change back into a golden colour. Then we headed back onto the bus, tired and ready to get back to Silverstream. That afternoon for the post quiz my team won again!
The next day, Wednesday, we woke up to a soft knock on the door, went for a soft run and left for Zealandia an eco-sanctuary. Firstly we went to the old water outlet control tower that is almost 150 years old! Then we went for a walk around the bush, seeing, hearing and learning amazing stuff. We saw a tunnel web spider web, kereru, tuatara, tui, shags, and many more. My favourite was the baby tuatara as it was so small and full of life. Did you know that the eldest recorded tuatara who is still alive is Henry at the whopping age of 118! Time flew by and before I knew it we were at the city tour. We walked around in our activity groups with $50 dollars which our group spent on the best ice cream in NZ at Cuba Street, before heading to our mystery location - by train! The mystery location turned out to be Jumparama, a place with loads of really cool trampolines! We bounced around for an hour and I can now even do a flip on a trampoline, just I can't quite land it yet. Then we started to Silverstream for a freshen up, quiz and bed. My team tied for first place but still took out the 2018 quizzes!
On Thursday we woke up bright and early, got ready and headed straight for the ferry that would carry us to Picton. We each received a ticket, and handed them over while boarding. Before we knew it we were leaving the dock and soon it was just a small pin-prick in the distance. Everyone was eager to have a look around and enjoy our 3 hour trip to Picton. Time ticked past slowly but surely, as the sea sickness started to get to me and my friends, so we lay on the floor which really helped. After what felt like a century we could see the lands of Marlborough Sounds. The rough waves of the Cook Strait calmed substantially as we pulled right into the Sounds. Before long we pulled up to a dock in Picton. The sky was covered with cloud, a miserable grey colour as the rain trickled down onto us. For a start we went to a boat called the Edwin Fox which was put into a dry dock. It was really fascinating learning about the vessel’s history. Next we made our way to the aquarium. It was amazing to be able to hold a tuatara and a turtle too! The turtle was a lot heavier than I expected. After a long ride back to Silverstream it was about 11:30 pm when we finally made it back. We all went straight to bed and slept very deeply.
On Friday it was luckily a later morning get up, as we were all very tired from our late night before, and the weight of the busy week behind us had finally caught up in all its glory. We all piled in the bus after breakfast, dreading the 8 and a half hour bus ride ahead of us. Believe it or not I was so tired that I didn't get one problem with car sickness. We had some small pit-stops along the way but rolled into Matawai at about 6:30, exhausted form our long trip away. Over all this was an amazing experience, I learned a lot, and had a ton of fun. Although I think it’ll be a while until the tiredness completely wears out from this action packed camp!
On Monday we woke up at 6:00am, had a small run to shake out all the sleepiness, freshened up then left for our busy day. Firstly we stopped at Parliament looking around the interesting exterior of the Beehive, debating chamber, and the parliamentary library. After going through rigorous security we stepped inside the Beehive, ready to learn about every possible thing we could. I learnt a load of new interesting facts about inside Parliament, like for example… did you know that the high rank people in Parliament used to wear wigs and the longer the wig the more important they were, although they haven't worn any since 1999! For lunch we travelled by Cable Car up to the Botanical Gardens where we soaked up the amazing view. We then headed straight to Te Papa. We searched the six floors, but the Gallipoli exhibition was my favourite. The statues were so lifelike and had so much time put into it that it took 6 hours to put 1 eyebrow in place. All the 6 floors had art all the way from Toi art to a to scale whale's heart. We walked around taking in every possible bit of information that we could. I also loved the room that changed colours and cast amazing multi coloured shadows. Afterwards we headed to Silverstream to freshen up for a well deserved rest. That afternoon we had a quiz and my team the Windy Welly’s just scraped a win.
On Tuesday we woke up to a run and some breakfast before piling on the bus to Weta Workshop. We were all full of life and chatter as we drove to Weta Workshop for a load of fun. We stepped through a door and into the life of movie making. I loved learning about the steps to producing a movie and the stress the employees have to go through! But I really loved the miniature scenes, and learnt that buildings or objects that are closer are actually bigger than the buildings behind that appeared bigger. Weta’s motto is ‘be creative and make cool stuff.’ After saying thank you we walked back onto the bus, excited for Wellington Zoo.The soft buzz of happy chatter filled the air as I strode off the bus into the entrance and were given free rein to explore the zoo until our VIP tour of a couple of habitats. Me and my friends made our way around happily exploring all the interior space. My top 5 favourite animals where…
Red Panda
Blue Penguin
Then we had our VIP tour and my favourite fact was that the Capuchin Monkeys use onions as a form of bug repellent! Did you know that Gibbons change colours from when their born to when they turn into adults, both genders are golden for a start to blend into their mum and then change into a black colour, then the boys stay that colour and the girls change back into a golden colour. Then we headed back onto the bus, tired and ready to get back to Silverstream. That afternoon for the post quiz my team won again!
The next day, Wednesday, we woke up to a soft knock on the door, went for a soft run and left for Zealandia an eco-sanctuary. Firstly we went to the old water outlet control tower that is almost 150 years old! Then we went for a walk around the bush, seeing, hearing and learning amazing stuff. We saw a tunnel web spider web, kereru, tuatara, tui, shags, and many more. My favourite was the baby tuatara as it was so small and full of life. Did you know that the eldest recorded tuatara who is still alive is Henry at the whopping age of 118! Time flew by and before I knew it we were at the city tour. We walked around in our activity groups with $50 dollars which our group spent on the best ice cream in NZ at Cuba Street, before heading to our mystery location - by train! The mystery location turned out to be Jumparama, a place with loads of really cool trampolines! We bounced around for an hour and I can now even do a flip on a trampoline, just I can't quite land it yet. Then we started to Silverstream for a freshen up, quiz and bed. My team tied for first place but still took out the 2018 quizzes!
On Thursday we woke up bright and early, got ready and headed straight for the ferry that would carry us to Picton. We each received a ticket, and handed them over while boarding. Before we knew it we were leaving the dock and soon it was just a small pin-prick in the distance. Everyone was eager to have a look around and enjoy our 3 hour trip to Picton. Time ticked past slowly but surely, as the sea sickness started to get to me and my friends, so we lay on the floor which really helped. After what felt like a century we could see the lands of Marlborough Sounds. The rough waves of the Cook Strait calmed substantially as we pulled right into the Sounds. Before long we pulled up to a dock in Picton. The sky was covered with cloud, a miserable grey colour as the rain trickled down onto us. For a start we went to a boat called the Edwin Fox which was put into a dry dock. It was really fascinating learning about the vessel’s history. Next we made our way to the aquarium. It was amazing to be able to hold a tuatara and a turtle too! The turtle was a lot heavier than I expected. After a long ride back to Silverstream it was about 11:30 pm when we finally made it back. We all went straight to bed and slept very deeply.
On Friday it was luckily a later morning get up, as we were all very tired from our late night before, and the weight of the busy week behind us had finally caught up in all its glory. We all piled in the bus after breakfast, dreading the 8 and a half hour bus ride ahead of us. Believe it or not I was so tired that I didn't get one problem with car sickness. We had some small pit-stops along the way but rolled into Matawai at about 6:30, exhausted form our long trip away. Over all this was an amazing experience, I learned a lot, and had a ton of fun. Although I think it’ll be a while until the tiredness completely wears out from this action packed camp!
Friday, 2 November 2018
Wellington Imaginary Writing Reflection
Recently Room 4 created a piece of imaginary writing based off our research about a particular location. For some it was hard, for others it was easy. We all worked hard to make the finished project as good as we could. I had Weta workshop as my location. I made it out that I had been mistaken as Emma Watson, and then having to act as her, but then out of the blue she appears, but turn out to be a hobbit, and so I duel with her for a while until one of us ends up on top...
Here is my piece...
I step into Weta Caves, the sculptures standing before me. Suddenly an arm links around mine and hurries along a corridor saying ‘staff only’. “Come along now Miss Emma Watson”. I almost ask what he was doing, but then I think about my name. “I am sorry sir but I think you have mistaken me for someone else, I have only just turned 10 but I know for sure my name is not Emma Watson.” “Never mind about that Miss Watson, we have work to do.” Before I can protest he drags me into hair and make up and sits me down sternly. “I am sorry, but my mum doesn’t allow me to wear makeup.” “Oh Emma, what is up with you today, I know you have been wearing makeup since you were 9. Remember, Hermione Granger in Harry Potter, you starred in it! Now read this script and I’ll get a makeup artist.” He passes me a script and I flip through it as a chubby woman scuffles over and starts tugging at my greasy hair. “What’s gotten into your hair, did you use the shampoo that I gave you last night.” “Shampoo?” “Yes the stuff you put in your hair before conditioner, what’s gotten into you? And have you shrunk?” “I am sorry I do not know what you are talking about.” “That doesn't matter right now get up onto stage. At that very moment I figured out that they had mistaken me for Emma Watson.
I step onto stage, taking a last glance at my script, lucky I have great memory, so I’m able to remember my lines. I figured that I was playing Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit and take my position. “Places, lights, camera, action.” I glide across the floor gracefully dodging in between the boulders, pretending to be invisible. I hear voices, I turn to my left to see some actors pretending to be Orcs so I could talk easily to them and they could green screen it later. I shiver as they make a various amount of grunts. I make sure the ring is secure and then race into the corner, brandishing the sword they fear the most, which to them looked like a floating sword, well it will once they edit the footage. We continue through the scenes until the door bursts open to reveal the real Emma Watson. “Sorry I’m late, my pane flight was delayed and I tried to call you but my phone was out of charge and who is this?” she asked politely smiling at me. “ But your already here and, and, this is you and” the director stutters looking between the two of us before passing out on his chair. “The person in charge of the camera still had it rolling as he was so surprised his mouth had dropped. “Nigel please close your mouth” Emma added still looking at me.
“You see I told you I am not Emma Watson, this is Emma Watson, I am Bella Blues.” “They mistook you for me, oh dear you poor child and they don't listen to you do they they” Emma Watson said tutting at the director who still looked panic stricken while sleeping. Emma walked over to the camera and rewound, watching my performance. Your not half bad kid in fact you nailed this role.” “Why thank you” I mutter blushing slightly. “Sure sure, but I am sorry but that is why I am going to have to kill you,” she said brandishing a pure diamond sword. “I can't have you taking my spot light, now can I?” Emma said. As I prepare to die right at that moment I see a sight I didn't expect to see, Emma Watson's feet were a replica of the hobbits, but wait that's it! This is no Emma Watson this is a real hobbit encounter! And of course as I had just read the hobbit I knew it’s weakness was needing to be on time. “Oh my gosh you are 5 minutes late for your scheduled jog to the grocery store.” “Oh no I am!” the hobbit replies before getting a grip on herself. “Nice try kid, so I guess you figured out I’m a hobbit, unfortunately for you, no one will ever find out, but fortunately for you your very last sight will be one.” I grasp the silver wizards staff in my hand and chant,
“Shrink it now,
Shrink it small
Do it now while I call,
Shrink it now right away,
Let it stay until I say,
Now let's not hang around,
Shrink this hobbit at this sound”
Before my eyes the hobbit shrinks and disappears into thin air. Of course all of this was posted in the newspaper the next day as the rolling of the camera never stopped so it caught the whole thing in action. As for the real Emma Watson, she was found knocked out in a cupboard nearby and her only words were that her body guard would kill her for shooing him away at the front door so she could go in alone.
-Liana Redpath
Here is my piece...
I step into Weta Caves, the sculptures standing before me. Suddenly an arm links around mine and hurries along a corridor saying ‘staff only’. “Come along now Miss Emma Watson”. I almost ask what he was doing, but then I think about my name. “I am sorry sir but I think you have mistaken me for someone else, I have only just turned 10 but I know for sure my name is not Emma Watson.” “Never mind about that Miss Watson, we have work to do.” Before I can protest he drags me into hair and make up and sits me down sternly. “I am sorry, but my mum doesn’t allow me to wear makeup.” “Oh Emma, what is up with you today, I know you have been wearing makeup since you were 9. Remember, Hermione Granger in Harry Potter, you starred in it! Now read this script and I’ll get a makeup artist.” He passes me a script and I flip through it as a chubby woman scuffles over and starts tugging at my greasy hair. “What’s gotten into your hair, did you use the shampoo that I gave you last night.” “Shampoo?” “Yes the stuff you put in your hair before conditioner, what’s gotten into you? And have you shrunk?” “I am sorry I do not know what you are talking about.” “That doesn't matter right now get up onto stage. At that very moment I figured out that they had mistaken me for Emma Watson.
I step onto stage, taking a last glance at my script, lucky I have great memory, so I’m able to remember my lines. I figured that I was playing Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit and take my position. “Places, lights, camera, action.” I glide across the floor gracefully dodging in between the boulders, pretending to be invisible. I hear voices, I turn to my left to see some actors pretending to be Orcs so I could talk easily to them and they could green screen it later. I shiver as they make a various amount of grunts. I make sure the ring is secure and then race into the corner, brandishing the sword they fear the most, which to them looked like a floating sword, well it will once they edit the footage. We continue through the scenes until the door bursts open to reveal the real Emma Watson. “Sorry I’m late, my pane flight was delayed and I tried to call you but my phone was out of charge and who is this?” she asked politely smiling at me. “ But your already here and, and, this is you and” the director stutters looking between the two of us before passing out on his chair. “The person in charge of the camera still had it rolling as he was so surprised his mouth had dropped. “Nigel please close your mouth” Emma added still looking at me.
“You see I told you I am not Emma Watson, this is Emma Watson, I am Bella Blues.” “They mistook you for me, oh dear you poor child and they don't listen to you do they they” Emma Watson said tutting at the director who still looked panic stricken while sleeping. Emma walked over to the camera and rewound, watching my performance. Your not half bad kid in fact you nailed this role.” “Why thank you” I mutter blushing slightly. “Sure sure, but I am sorry but that is why I am going to have to kill you,” she said brandishing a pure diamond sword. “I can't have you taking my spot light, now can I?” Emma said. As I prepare to die right at that moment I see a sight I didn't expect to see, Emma Watson's feet were a replica of the hobbits, but wait that's it! This is no Emma Watson this is a real hobbit encounter! And of course as I had just read the hobbit I knew it’s weakness was needing to be on time. “Oh my gosh you are 5 minutes late for your scheduled jog to the grocery store.” “Oh no I am!” the hobbit replies before getting a grip on herself. “Nice try kid, so I guess you figured out I’m a hobbit, unfortunately for you, no one will ever find out, but fortunately for you your very last sight will be one.” I grasp the silver wizards staff in my hand and chant,
“Shrink it now,
Shrink it small
Do it now while I call,
Shrink it now right away,
Let it stay until I say,
Now let's not hang around,
Shrink this hobbit at this sound”
Before my eyes the hobbit shrinks and disappears into thin air. Of course all of this was posted in the newspaper the next day as the rolling of the camera never stopped so it caught the whole thing in action. As for the real Emma Watson, she was found knocked out in a cupboard nearby and her only words were that her body guard would kill her for shooing him away at the front door so she could go in alone.
-Liana Redpath
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Rotational and Reflectional Symmetry Reflection
Lately Room 4 have been learning about rotational and symmetrical symmetry. Rotational symmetry is where a shape is rotated but is still in a symmetrical form. Symmetrical symmetry is where a shape is exactly the same to the last detail just flipped. First we were told to select an array of different foam shapes and to make a pattern that represented rotational and symmetrical symmetry. I chose to use 2 diamonds and 4 triangles to make a bigger diamond. We folded a piece of paper in half twice so there was 3 lines of symmetry, one that had to go through the middle of our pattern, one that was used as a mirror line and a second one on the mirror image to cut it in half. We all took our time to make the shapes look almost perfect or as good as we could make it. We added a splash of colour just to make it pop. Next we framed it and put our finished masterpieces up on the wall to be viewed and admired. It was a bit of a struggle for all of us I think, but the finished result as worth it. I really enjoyed making these as it was something a bit different, and variate is very important.

Imagine A Night
Recently the 5-6 ‘s have been writing a poem based off a book called ‘Imagine A Night’. Every sentence had to start with ‘Imagine a night’ followed by descriptive sentence out of our imaginative stories based around a location we are going to in Wellington. I found it loads of fun and I really like this sort of writing. I would love to do it again some time, but for now, here is my writing…
Imagine a night, when you get lost in act, the lights shining on you.
Imagine a night, when actor becomes the darkest of nightmares.
Imagine a night, fighting for your life with nothing but a prop.
Imagine a night, where one minute your a visitor next your an actor.
Imagine a night, where a ring could hide you from your shadiest dreams.
Imagine a night, where a mysterious person shows up at the door.
Imagine a night, where fiction becomes true, and prop becomes real.
Imagine a night, when your strengths are your downfalls.
Imagine a night, where idol becomes enemy.
Imagine a night, where you nail the role.
Imagine a night, tonight.
Imagine a night, when you get lost in act, the lights shining on you.
Imagine a night, when actor becomes the darkest of nightmares.
Imagine a night, fighting for your life with nothing but a prop.
Imagine a night, where one minute your a visitor next your an actor.
Imagine a night, where a ring could hide you from your shadiest dreams.
Imagine a night, where a mysterious person shows up at the door.
Imagine a night, where fiction becomes true, and prop becomes real.
Imagine a night, when your strengths are your downfalls.
Imagine a night, where idol becomes enemy.
Imagine a night, where you nail the role.
Imagine a night, tonight.
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