Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Where Am I? - Holiday Writing

I Hear- the distant bleat of a lamb, crying for its mother. Silence filling my ears with only my thoughts to fill the stillness.
I Smell- the fresh morning air riddled with the smell of grass, tickling my nose as I breath it in.
I See- flicking of tails and nibbling of gumboots, frolicking body and flapping of ears. The early sun rising behind the hills, casting its rays upon my face. Dew covered grass, blanketing the land.
I Taste- the remote flavour of my breakfast of weetbix and muesli lingering in my mouth.
I Feel- bitter wind teasing my hair, whipping it into my stinging eyes. The overwhelming sense of ease washing over me as the world melts away. My place in the world, where I belong, where I feel at my happiest.

Where Am I??
Out in the paddock playing with my lamb.

This is a picture of Dave, my lamb from 2 years ago

Monday, 14 October 2019

Rugby World Cup Google Earth

Today Room 4 were learning how to use Google Earth to make a Rugby World Cup Video.

I enjoyed being creative with the writing on it.

 I found it frustrating to cooperate with my computer because it is getting old and so it loads super slowly, meaning that it took about 5 years longer than everyone elses.