Friday, 31 July 2020

The Great Zoo Debate/Zoo Art

This Term Room 4 have been focusing o persuasive writing. We've done a couple of pieces on things like uniforms and homework etc. But last week we had a proper focus on the zoos, doing research to back up our thoughts and learn about the positives and negatives. Once we had read several articles, we set to work on our actual writing. I decided to disagree with zoos being a thing. I actually am on the fence, because there is compelling evidence for and against zoos. But I decided that I would try to write a piece against it. We also did a piece of zoo art and  I decided to do a red panda. There is a photo of it below my writing. But anyway, here is my writing.

The Great Zoo Debate

Zoos are cruel and should be banned. This is a statement I strongly agree with. Here are some reasons why.

Reason 1
The enclosures are far too small for the animals. No matter how much zoos evolve to allow for more space, they will never be big enough, especially for large animals. We have all just come out of quarantine. A time when we were confined to our homes alone. Imaging that for your entire life! Many animals are constantly roaming over vast areas. A zoo can simply not cater for the required land.

Reason 2
Diet. It is far too costly for a zoo to fully mimic an animal's regular diet in the wild. But not only is it the food they eat, but also how they get it. Big animals aren’t able to hunt, therefore not getting normal exercise or expressing their natural instincts. They are able to do all this in the wild. Yet another thing the zoo can't accommodate.

Reason 3
Animals can get bored or lonely. Or can easily get stressed. For example, the expected lifespan of an elephant halves in captivity. This is because they are very social, and often have only 1 or 2 others in their enclosures, leading them to basically die of loneliness. The only word I can think of to explain this, is sick. We are basically killing them, for entertainment.

In conclusion they have the right to be free. They shouldn’t have to deal with confining enclosures, a diet that doesn’t fully suit them, or the general stress of zoo life. It is simply inhumane, and that is why I am obstinate that zoos have to be banned.

Red Panda

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Terrific Track-Pants And Blazing Beanies

This Term, us year 8's are in sewing tech. We've been making track-pants, and today Sophia and I finished ours. To start off we sewed around the patterns, leaving a gap for putting in our pockets. After a couple of weeks and a lot of hard work, we finished off by threading the elastic through the waist band and at the ankles. I've learnt how to use a sewing machine better through the whole experience, as well as hand sewing, and am pretty happy with how it's come along. Once we completed those we went on to start making fluro beanies for our coming ski camp. We had to use really bright colours so we won't lose each other on the mount. So far it's been pretty simple because we're just cutting out the fabrics needed (a combination of fluro green, orange and some pink so bright it kind of hurts your eyes to look at). But I've always enjoyed sewing tech because it's so chill, instead of the quite quick paced cooking and woodwork.