Wednesday, 25 March 2020

My Dream Superpower

While I've been stuck at home, doing work for the last week of my term, I decided to write a poem for my writing, about my dream superpower. It isn't exactly what you'd expect, for it's not exactly mainstream. But perhaps that is why it is a logical one, of which the only limits are your imagination.
What would your dream superpower be?
Stay safe everyone.

Here is my poem...

My Dream Superpower

If  people could have any superpower they dream,
from your imagination, or fitting a theme,
many upon many would choose to fly,
go higher than the clouds, up in the sky.

Others would pick invisibility,
they could do good, or bad, with great agility.
Perhaps some would select knowledge,
to be smarter than Athena, who created the olive.

Furthermore there is witchery,
to win almost any battle, with great victory.
Or maybe to see ahead in time,
to stop, or avoid, any crime.

Possibly the power to read the mind,
to manipulate, or leave, betrayers behind.
You could choose to run with great speed,
to enter the Olympics and succeed.

However I would not choose any of these powers,
nor to be super strong, or control the hours.
I would pick the talent to change probability,
with which anything is in your capability.

Zero percent chance or breathing underwater?
Well with this power, those numbers I would slaughter.
I could change it to one hundred percent,
I would dive under, and to my health there'd be no dent.

With this ability I could do ANYTHING!
Converse with animals, or become the king.
Why only one power would you steal?
If you could simply get them ALL in a package deal!


  1. Hi Liana
    What an amazing piece of writing.
    You have done so well to write 7 verses and keep the rhyming pattern so consistent and with such great flow!
    I have never considered the superpower of having the ability to change probability...that really would mean you could have every super power at your fingertips.
    How long did it take you to write this masterpiece?

    Take care and thanks so much for sharing.
    Bye for now
    Mrs Bennett

    1. Hi Mrs Bennett,
      Thank you, not many people do really think how they could have more than one power within power. If that makes any sense. I really enjoyed making this as superpowers are such a wide subject that I could have really taken it anywhere if I had wanted to.
      To be honest the rhyming was kind of a mistake for a start and then I just decided to run with it.
      It took me about 45-50 minutes to do this including the 5 minute planning and editing at the end. Although I do have to admit that I had a bit of help from a handy website called which assisted me with finding the right rhyming fit to each word.
      Thank you once again...


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