It was quite funny that I ended up using this one, because I'd been taking quite calculated photos up till then, making sure the camera was on the right setting, holding it very steady, and looking through the lens to make sure that it lined up properly. With this one I legitimately stuck my hand into blackberry bush, tried not to get caught on too many thorns, snapped a couple of very uncalculated shots, and then stifled a scream when I lost balance and fell into the blackberry bush, right into a very thorny spot. It took me about 30 quite painful seconds to get untangled, but don't worry, eventually I got all the thorns out with only a some bleeding. All that for this one photo. And yes I would say that it was worth it. Plus I got some pretty cool scratches up my arms, legs and back.
My classmate Violet won the competition with a gorgeous picture of her dog and cat.
To see all the amazing entries then Click Here.
Hi Liana
ReplyDeleteIt is great to get an insight into the challenges of being a serious photographer...risking prickles to get the perfect shot. I admire all great photography as I feely admit, I have never had any talent when it comes to taking photos!
I was impressed by the quality of the autumn shots, capturing beautiful colours and images.
Mrs Bennett