Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Venn Diagram- Changing Times

Lately for Room 4's focus on  'the changing times' we made venn diagrams based on the way we are growing up contrasting to how our parents or grandparents grew up. For example I've grown up on a farm and my mother grew up in the city. I think this was a very effective way of showing the differences and similarities between the starts of our lives.
Here is my venn diagram comparing some aspects of my life to my mothers...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liana
    Isn't your Mum adorable when she was young! I am pleased you enjoyed this task and I agree, it is a neat way of seeing the contrasts and changes over time. I am intrigued to know what pollywaffles and jawbreakers are? I am guessing maybe jaw breakers are a type of lolly??
    Did you name your Gus after Mum's old pet dog?
    Great work
    Mrs Bennett


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